Your Burning Questions Answered! 🔥

What on earth is PIM? 🤔

Picture this: a magical warehouse for all your product info. That's PIM (Product Information Management) in a nutshell! It's like a super-organized digital filing cabinet that stores every little detail about your products and then shares that info wherever it's needed. Curious to dive deeper? Check out our "What is PIM?" page for the full scoop!

Is it up in the clouds? ☁️

You bet! We've partnered with Microsoft Azure to give your data a comfy home in the cloud. This means:

  • Rock-solid reliability 💪
  • Room to grow (unlimited scalability!) 🌱
  • Time-travel for your data (well, almost) ⏰
    • Backups from any moment in the last 2 weeks
    • Weekly backups for the past 2 years

Oops! Will my unfinished work end up on my website? 😱

Not a chance! We've got your back. You can set up your connectors or API exports to only share 'published' data. So go ahead, tinker with your product info to your heart's content. Your website won't spill the beans until you're ready to hit that publish button!

Can I chat with one of your clients? Pretty please? 🙏

Absolutely! We're not just proud of our work - we're shouting it from the rooftops! Our customer care is top-notch, and we'd be thrilled for you to hear it straight from the horse's mouth. Just say the word, and we'll set up a chat with one of our happy clients.

What if I want out? Is there a minimum stay? 🚪

We get it, commitment can be scary. Here's the deal:

  • We ask for a 1-year minimum contract (paid monthly or annually)
  • Why? Because we're investing in you! We'll work our socks off to make sure the PIM is perfect for your needs
  • We're confident you'll stick around once you see the magic happen
  • But if you do decide to leave after the first year, just give us three months notice. Your data is yours to keep!

Who are you guys anyway? 🕵️

We're Electrika Ltd, tech wizards since 1992! We started out creating free estimating tools for electrical contractors and helping big-shot manufacturers manage their product data. This led us to create OneTimePIM, our pride and joy. Want the full story? Hop over to our 'About Us' page!

Can you handle ETIM classification? It's kind of a big deal for us. 📊

Can we handle ETIM? We eat ETIM for breakfast! Not only can we manage your ETIM data, but we'll also set it up for free as part of our support package. We don't like to brag, but... okay, we'll brag a little. We're known as some of the best in the biz when it comes to ETIM.

Is there a try-before-you-buy option? 🛒

You know it! Here's how we roll:

  • We meet up (virtually) to chat about your needs
  • We whip up a sample entry with your own data
  • We hand you the keys to this sample account
  • You take it for a spin and see the PIM magic for yourself!

I've already got an ERP system. Why do I need a PIM? 🤷

Great question! While ERPs are awesome for many things, they're not the superheroes of product information. Here's where PIM shines:

  • Storing, managing, and distributing product info like a boss
  • Seamlessly integrating images and other media (because your products deserve to look good!)
  • Specialized features that make handling product data a breeze

In short, PIM is like the cool, product-savvy cousin of your ERP. They work great together, but each has its own superpower!