How is OneTimePIM’s Shopify connector different?

  • Runs 100% within the PIM so you can run an update immediately or schedule it to be done at a certain time every day.
  • Tells you exactly which changes were made to every product value of every product and stores a history of updates.
  • Performs incremental updates that are much faster than full runs or imports.
  • Handles Image ordering.
  • Can update Shopify Metafields.
  • Can update multiple stores with different data needs at the same time.

Why have a separate PIM system from Shopify for product information?

  • Managing product information and images is much easier and faster in a purpose-designed tool as opposed to an eCommerce platform.
  • Shopify does not make it easy to edit images for a large number of products at once. Doing this via the PIM will save an enormous amount of time.
  • You can send your data to other channels such as Amazon or partner companies, as well as Shopify.
  • You can easily create data feeds into the PIM from other systems such as ERP.
  • You have a single source of truth for all your data that is not obscured by the requirements of a single e-commerce platform.
  • You can store attributes that are not relevant to your e-commerce storefront. For example, background costs, logistics/supplier information and technical details.

The Conclusion

Shopify is an e-commerce software site builder, designed to make it easier for business owners to develop an online store without previous website experience. So, naturally, lots of small business owners use the platform to build a digital presence.

Shopify is a great e-commerce platform but has not been designed for Product Information Management. It can be very tedious and time-consuming to add new products and their data and media. The OneTimePIM Connector will automatically synchronise product data between the PIM and your Shopify e-commerce store. This will literally increase your productivity by ten times or more.