Your Burning Questions Answered! ๐Ÿ”ฅ


Who gets to be the data publishing superstar? ๐ŸŒŸ

We're all about that VIP access! Our robust 'Teams' permission settings let you:

  • Decide who gets the final say on publishing data (making it 'live')
  • Choose who can edit which products, attributes, etc.
  • Create 'Teams' of one or many users (e.g., your rockstar product manager)

It's like having a bouncer for your data - only the VIPs get through!

Can OneTimePIM speak multiple languages? ๐ŸŒ

Oui! Sรญ! Ja! (That's "Yes!" in multiple languages, folks!) Our unlimited channels function is like a linguistic superhero:

  • View data in different languages
  • Translate product descriptions while keeping universal data (like measurements) consistent
  • Hide products/attributes for specific channels (Spanish website selling fewer products? No problemo!)
  • Even the PIM interface itself is multilingual!

OneTimePIM: bringing world peace through product data, one language at a time!

Is there a cap on data storage and users? ๐Ÿงข

Nope, the sky's the limit! Thanks to our buddy Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform, we can scale faster than a rabbit on roller skates. However, our pricing packages do come with some user and storage limits - but don't worry, there's plenty of room to grow!

Can it export to custom formats? Because my wholesaler is picky... ๐Ÿ“ฆ

You bet! We're all about customization:

  • CSV files in specific formats? We'll work with you to develop the perfect formula
  • Rename or re-order attributes? Easy peasy!
  • XLSX export? Yes and you can even embed images!
  • Custom attributes with specific values only seen on the exporter? Easy!

We're like data tailors - we'll make sure your exports fit just right!

How flexible is the Automatic Product Datasheet function? I like to bend it like Beckham! โšฝ

Our datasheet function is more flexible than a yoga instructor! Here's what you can do:

  • Upload your own PDF background template (show off that brand!)
  • Choose which images and attributes to display
  • Decide the order of attributes
  • Customize attribute names on the PDF

And guess what? You can create your own custom datasheet design too, making it even more flexible! For the full stretch, check out our automated datasheets info page.

Does OneTimePIM have built-in DAM? Or do I need to BYO? ๐Ÿ“ธ

Good news! We've got a fully integrated Digital Asset Management System baked right in. It's like having a personal media butler:

  • Handles all your media files
  • Included in every plan (because we're generous like that)
  • Features dynamic image resizing and reformatting
  • Store one image, use it anywhere!

Marie Kondo would be proud of how organized your digital assets will be!

Do you have APIs? Because I like my systems to talk to each other... ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ

Absolutely! Our APIs are like social butterflies - they love to mingle:

  • Full range of APIs for reading and writing data to the PIM
  • Powerful enough to handle complex integrations
  • Perfect for getting your systems chatting away

Can I peek at the API documentation? I'm a curious cat! ๐Ÿฑ

Meow you're talking! All our APIs are documented at It's like an all-you-can-eat buffet of API goodness!

Do you charge extra for new features? Or are you going to nickel and dime me? ๐Ÿ’ฐ

No way, Josรฉ! We're not about that nickel and dime life. Here's our promise to you:

  • All features included in every package
  • Constantly adding and improving features
  • Never charge extra for new goodies

We're like the Santa Claus of PIM - always delivering new presents, and never asking for milk and cookies in return!

Still have questions? We've got answers! Reach out and let's chat about how OneTimePIM can revolutionize your product data game! ๐Ÿš€